Curriculog - Curriculum Management System

    Accessing the System

    If you are reading this, you are not actually in the system; you are simply on the welcome page. To enter the system, please click login on the toolbar in the upper right corner. If you have Oneonta credentials (username, password), you should not need to enter them again. 

    Note: "Retired" before a form simply means that forms for the next academic year have been created and should be used for new proposals. Proposals carried over from a previous academic year will also say "Retired" in the new academic year--but these proposals are still active and can be reviewed, approved or rejected. 

    Please note that Curriculog will be "down" for maintenance by the vendor on 8-11 pm on Tuesday, 4/16 


    Listed below are the symbols and colors utilized in Curriculog:

    • = has not made a decision
    • = approved
    • = rejected
    • = held
    • = suspended
    • = cancelled
    • = multiple decisions
    • = task
    • = mine
    • = stuck
    • = urgent, out of date import source









    You have selected

    You can approve

    your PIN

    You have entered an incorrect PIN for your account. If you have forgotten your pin or don't have one, please contact an Administrator.

    could not be approved